Substitute for Raised H.B. No. 5390
Session Year 2024


To (1) provide financial incentives for municipalities that adopt certain transit-oriented development policies and to coordinate related state funds through the Office of Responsible Growth, (2) establish the interagency council on housing development, (3) direct the State Responsible Growth Coordinator to establish a fund for the expansion of water and sewerage infrastructure, (4) to allow the coordinator to provide additional funding for certain infrastructure projects, and (5) to include transit-oriented districts in the definition of housing growth zones.

Introduced by:
Planning and Development Committee

 New today  2-4 days old  5 days & older
   Committee Actions
 PD Joint Fav. Rpt
 PD Vote Tally Sheet (Joint Favorable Substitute)
   Fiscal Notes
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5994 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5982 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5988 (Potential Revenue Gain)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5987 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5986 (Potential Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5985 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5984 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5992 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5989 (Potential Savings)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5990 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5991 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5983 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5486 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5518 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5505 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5470 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5476 (Potential Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5481 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5491 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5392 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5185 (Potential Revenue Gain)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5189 (Potential Revenue Gain)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5188 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 5187 (Potential Savings)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 3781 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for HB-5390, As Amended by House "A" (LCO 5392)
 Fiscal Note For File Copy 237
   Bill Analyses
 Bill Analysis for HB-5390, as amended by House "A"
 Bill Analysis For File Copy 237

Co-sponsors for Amendment LCO:

Bill History

 Date Action Taken
 5/3/2024Senate Calendar Number 453
 5/3/2024Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
 5/3/2024Immediate Transmittal to the Senate
 5/3/2024House Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule A
 5/3/2024Amendment Withdrawn, House Amendment Schedule B 5481
 5/3/2024House Adopted House Amendment Schedule A 5392
 4/3/2024(LCO)File Number 237
 4/3/2024House Calendar Number 178
 4/3/2024Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
 4/3/2024(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/27/2024(LCO)Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/02/24 5:00 PM
 3/18/2024(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/15/2024(PD)Joint Favorable Substitute
 3/1/2024Public Hearing 03/06
 2/29/2024Referred to Joint Committee on Planning and Development

Co-sponsors of HB-5390

Sen. Saud Anwar, 3rd Dist.
Rep. Josh Elliott, 88th Dist.
Rep. Geoff Luxenberg, 12th Dist.
Rep. Kate Farrar, 20th Dist.
Rep. Mary M. Mushinsky, 85th Dist.
Rep. Christine Palm, 36th Dist.
Rep. Jason Rojas, 9th Dist.
Rep. Christopher Rosario, 128th Dist.
Sen. MD Rahman, 4th Dist.
Rep. Anthony L. Nolan, 39th Dist.
Rep. Antonio Felipe, 130th Dist.
Rep. Jane M. Garibay, 60th Dist.
Rep. Geraldo C. Reyes, 75th Dist.
Rep. Peter A. Tercyak, 26th Dist.
Rep. Roland J. Lemar, 96th Dist.
Rep. Aundre Bumgardner, 41st Dist.
Sen. Julie Kushner, 24th Dist.

NOTE: Please direct all inquiries regarding the status of bills to the Office of the House Clerk and/or Senate Clerks' Office.